Wednesday, 17 June 2009

This is the third instalment of the series about the competition. I actually took this picture because my wife suggested it to me (thanks honey).

The purpose was about "phantom tenants". I think that was the title of the theme. At first I disregarded the chosen picture, because at first, I didn't like it. However, it was the one that fit the most in the general aesthetics of the seven pictures, so it got chosen.

I also like the way the broken section of the glass kinda'a reminds me of a dog.

This was taken with a digital SLR camera.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

The Pole

I cannot get tired of the amount of detail you can get from a medium format camera. The negative is just so big, you get detail for ever...

In the future, I'll get a medium format camera that is digital and this will really open up my photo possibilities. Until then, I'll keep shooting film.

Today, I was talking with my friend from the camera store where I develop the film. He uses an expression for my shooting film, whic is: "luxury of shooting film". Which is really what it is, exactly.

Film is so expensive to shoot and develop, it's really a luxury to do it. As I left about 15 or 16 rolls of film, I should really be in trouble!

I'll be traveling in the next weeks, so I'll have other opportunities to shoot more film.

This picture was taken with a medium format TLR camera.

Is it just me, or am I crazy?

Continuing the series about the marathon, this picture was submited for the theme "is this really it, or is it just me that is crazy?". Quite a chalenging picture to take, in abstract. In reality, anything could be justified for this picture.

I took this picture (don't really remember why, I think I was testing some feature in my tripod) upside down (the camera at least). As one could not change the pictures in any way, the picture was submited just as it was taken. Upside down.

The feet you see belong to a good friend, which was also enjoying his time in the marathon.

This picture was taken using a digital SLR.

Monday, 8 June 2009

The competition

First of all, I'd like to ask my viewers to forgive me for not updating anything for some time. Vacations and some complicated situations at work have done that.

In the last post, I mentioned a competition that I entered recently. It was a photographic marathon. 24 hours, seven themes, one picture per theme.

I've entered seven photos, one for each of the themes. I'll be posting the photos for the next seven days (or something like that):

The first theme was "direct connection". I thought that this picture I took (one of the first ones, actually) represented just that. As portuguese people are mad about coffee, this seemed appropriate.
It represents the connection between the coffee beans and the finished product (duh).

It was taken with a digital SLR.